Good for You

Good for You Segments
- Good for You – Fiber
Dietitian Ashley Hawk gives us a lesson in fiber and how to make it a bigger and better part of our daily diets. Plus, she shares ideas for using legumes, apples and chia seeds for daily intake.
- Good for You – Broccoli
Dietitian Ashley Hawk shares some nutrition tips about broccoli and how to cut down on food waste, plus a pesto recipe to make healthy happen!
- Good for You - Chickpeas
Naturally low in saturated fat and loaded with nutrients, dietitian Ashley Hawk tells us why chickpeas are small, but mighty and offer lots of flavor too!
- Good for You – Apples
Dietitian Ashley Hawk shares her top three reasons why Apples are Good for You! Hydrating, versatile and convenient, there are so many different varieties of apples to choose from too!
- Good For You – Dates
Dates are high in fiber and antioxidants. Dietitian Ashley Hawk shares the sweet health benefits of dates, along with some of her tips and ideas for how to incorporate them into your diet and recipes.
- Good for You - Goat's Milk and Cheese
Dietitian Ashley Hawk explain the benefits of goat products like milk and cheese and why it's “Good for You.”
- Good for You – Blueberries
Blueberries are highly nutritious and among the world's most powerful sources of antioxidants. Hear from dietitian Ashley Hawk on some of their benefits and her ideas on how to enjoy the berry.
- Good for You - Beets
Beets are the roots of all beet plants. This root vegetable is high in water, moderate in fiber and protein, and low in calories. Dietitian Ashley Hawk explains why many of their impressive health benefits just can’t be “beat” and shares some of her favorite ways they can add more than just a pop of color to your plate.
- Good for You - Radishes
On this episode’s “Good for You” segment, dietitian Ashley Hawk is all about radishes. Find out about the root vegetable from the mustard family, as she lists its many health benefits and gives her tips on how to enjoy it.
- Good for You – Eggs
Registered dietitian and wellness expert Ashley Hawk lays down the health benefits of eggs and shares some of her own yummy recipes with eggs in the mix.
- Good for You – Spices
Dietitian Ashley Hawk shares ideas on how to "spice things up" for the holiday season with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Plus, she offers her take on smaller portions of a few holiday dessert favorites.
- Good for You – Carrots
Carrots make a versatile and healthy cooking ingredient for many dishes during the holidays. Dietitian Ashley Hawk reveals some of the benefits for you and your favorite festive dishes.
- Good for You – Apples
Apples make a sweet and healthy treat for the holiday season, and dietitian Tawnie Graham shares her insights on eating apples and ways to incorporate them into your holiday menus.
- Good for You – Sweet Potatoes
Dietitian Tawnie Graham shares the health benefits of eating sweet potatoes and gives us healthy and delicious ideas on how to enjoy them!
- "Good for You" – Squash
Squash gets high marks for nutrition and taste. Dietitian Ashley Hawk talks about the fall staple’s health benefits and shares ideas on how to prepare and eat it.
- Good for You - Brussel Sprouts
Dietitian Tawnie Graham talks brussel sprouts, their health benefits and how to incorporate them into your next meal.
- Good for You – Pomegranates
Pomegranates are considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Dietitian Ashley Hawk tells us more about its benefits and shares ideas on how to incorporate it into our diets.
- "Good for You" - Pumpkins
It's pumpkin season and dietitian Tawnie Graham is sharing her nutrition tips for living the pumpkin spice life. She also shares some of her yummy pumpkin recipe ideas for fall.
- Good for You - Tomatoes
Tomatoes are juicy and sweet, full of antioxidants, and may help fight several diseases. Dietitian Ashley Hawk gives us the breakdown of benefits along with ideas on how to incorporate the fruit into your meals.
- Good for You - Pears
Come fall it's pear season in California, and dietitian Tawnie Graham shares why it's 'Good for You' and offers her healthy recipe ideas too.