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Micro spring salad with wild berry vinaigrette

Richard Slusarz
Grand Hyatt, San Francisco

Micro spring salad with wild berry vinaigrette
Micro spring salad with wild berry vinaigrette


2 cups of your favorite microgreens (tiny salad greens)

8 blueberries
8 raspberries
8 pitted cherries
8 halved blackberries
½ C strawberry couli (instructions below)
1/4 C walnut oil
½ C raspberry vinegar
1/4 C sparkling wine
sugar to taste

1 pint stemmed strawberries
1/4 C sugar
½ C sparkling wine


Emulsify oil, vinegar, sugar and sparkling wine, creating your vinaigrette and adjust to your taste (sweeter, oilier or more tart). Add couli & berries to your vinaigrette.

Place strawberries into a small sauce pan with wine and sugar. Let simmer until berries are tender/soft. Puree mixture and strain if desired for smoother sauce.