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Garlic roasted purple sweet potatoes

Timaree Hagenburger
The Nutrition Professor
Cosumnes River College, Sacramento

Garlic roasted purple sweet potatoes
"I love using this recipe to prepare potatoes of all sorts, but we took it to a higher level on this episode by using purple sweet potatoes and they were crazy delicious!" said nutrition professor Timaree Hagenburger.
Garlic roasted purple sweet potatoes


5 to 8 cloves garlic
2 lb. purple sweet potatoes (see tip), rinsed but not peeled
1 tbsp. smoked paprika (see tip)
1 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 large lemon (or 2 small)
Ground black pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mince or press garlic and put in a large bowl (see tip). While garlic "rests," chop sweet potatoes into a medium dice, making sure pieces are similar size for even cooking. Be sure to leave the skin on—it is very thin and is packed with nutrients.

Add smoked paprika, Italian seasoning and fresh lemon juice to the bowl with garlic to make a paste. Toss sweet potatoes into the bowl and mix well to ensure all pieces are well-coated. If mixture is too dry, add more lemon juice.

Sprinkle with pepper and roast until tender—check after approximately 35 minutes and then every 10 minutes until ready (stir to ensure even cooking). Season with additional pepper and a sprinkle of salt, to taste.

The Nutrition Professor's Shop Smart/Prep Smart Tips:

• Any variety of potato will work, such as red or golden. Experiment with different varieties to find your favorites and be sure to try the purple sweet potatoes or any purple potato—packed with the same phytonutrients that give blueberries their great reputation.

• Do not use "regular" paprika, as the flavor of "smoked paprika" is drastically different. Be sure the bottle is labeled "smoked paprika."

• To maximize the health benefits of garlic, mince or press it and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes before putting it in contact with acidic foods or liquids, such as lemon juice, or heat.

Serves 4