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Baby artichoke salad with green olives and apricots

Russell Young
Executive chef, Hyatt Regency Monterey

Baby artichoke salad with green olives and apricots
Yeah, baby! This unique salad features California-grown baby artichokes.  The recipe is fresh from the kitchen of Monterey chef Russell Young.
Baby artichoke salad with green olives and apricots


8 baby artichokes
Juice of 2 lemons
Olive oil
Salt, to taste
1 tbsp. white balsamic vinegar
8 green olives, cut into fourths
4 dried apricots, sliced thin
2 tbsp. sliced toasted almonds
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
Sugar, to taste


Rinse artichokes under cold water. Snap off the outer layers of petals and cut about 1/4 of the tops off. Trim stems. Fill a medium pot halfway with water. Add lemon juice, 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. salt and bring to a boil. Add artichokes and cook for 7 to 12 minutes or until a toothpick can be inserted into the base. Remove from hot water and place in a bowl of ice water to halt the cooking process. Drain and cut into fourths.

Whisk together balsamic vinegar and 3 tbsp. olive oil to make a dressing. Place artichoke pieces and remaining ingredients in a bowl and toss with desired amount of dressing. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Serves 4