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Trio of kebobs

Joni Sare
Therapeutic chef and nutrition educator, Cupertino

Trio of kebobs
Chef Joni Sare believes in simple, nutritious recipes that fuel active lifestyles.
Trio of kebobs


20 seedless grapes
20 blackberries
20 (1-inch) cubes watermelon

20 (1/2-inch) julienne slices red bell pepper
20 half-moon cucumber pieces (peel and seeds removed)
20 (1-inch) cubes cantaloupe

20 small strawberries
20 blueberries
20 (1-inch) cubes peachesĀ 


Alternate the combinations of fruits and vegetables on skewers—or try your own favorites. For added depth of flavor, serve on a platter alongside any of the three dipping sauces. Each three-item combination makes four servings.

Dipping sauces: