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Shrimp, avocado and mint ceviche

Chef Chris Mortenson

Shrimp, avocado and mint ceviche
This ceviche, created by Napa Valley chef Chris Mortenson, is spicy, but the avocado balances the flavor and provides a creamy texture. Eat with tortilla chips for a refreshing snack or serve as a light, healthy appetizer.
Shrimp, avocado and mint ceviche


Ceviche juice
5 medium-sized tomatoes (heirloom is ideal, when in season)
1 bottle grapefruit Jarritos soda (substitute with Fresca or Squirt soda)
2 tbsp. your favorite hot sauce
3/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Juice of 8 limes
2 tbsp. kosher salt

1 lb. shrimp, peeled, cleaned and poached
1 avocado, large diced
1/2 red onion, finely diced
1 jalapeño, stems and ribs removed, minced
1 pint ceviche juice (see recipe)
10 cilantro leaves, julienned
5 mint leaves, julienned
Kosher salt


For ceviche juice: Puree all ingredients in a blender until very smooth. Pass mixture through a chinois twice. Taste and adjust seasoning. Set aside.

For ceviche: Mix all ingredients together, let marinate for 10 minutes and serve.